Thursday, May 09, 2019

Become a Drone Pilot

Drone CertificationTraining Class now offered at Texas Flight Services at Hooks Airport  (DWH) in Spring, TX.
To become a certified Drone Pilot to fly your drone under the FAA's UAS Rule Part 107, you must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA.  This demonstrates that you understand all the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures to safely fly drones.

Texas Flight Services at DWH Airport offers a monthly Ground Class to prepare for Part 107 that includes a study guide and 5 practice tests.  Lunch and drinks included.  FAA Remote PIC TEST is administered on site.  For more information on Drone Training, take a look at Touch & Go Pilot Supply's Drone Products

Date:  June 1-2, 2019.  Saturday will involve classroom training from
  9-5 pm with classwork review and written exams scheduled the following day or at your convenience.   Classes fill up fast so please call to reserve,

Call Texas Flight Services to register or for more information at (832) 717-0766.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

General Aviation ADS-B $500 Rebate Program

The FAA is offering a General Aviation ADS-B $500 Rebate Program for those who qualify and meet certain requirements. 

  • Aircraft not currently equipped with Version 2 ADS-B Out
  • Fixed wing single engine piston driven aircraft
  • Aircraft is U.S. registered
For more information, go to