Gleim's FAR/AIM 2006 is now available.
A great feature of Gleim's new 2006 FAR/AIM is that it is now Flight bag size - smaller, more compact and lightweight measuring 7" x 9" inches.
Gleim's FAR/AIM consolidates the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) into one easy-to-use reference book. We provide an expanded FAR index and an expanded AIM index.
Most books create additional work for the user. In contrast, Gleim's FAR/AIM simplifies and facilitates your effort. The text format, bigger and darker type, indentations, two-column structure, and spacing are designed to make it easier to read, learn, and understand.
A comprehensive FAR index in front of the book and AIM index at the back of the book make it easier to find pertinent portions of the FARs and/or AIM than do government indexes.
NEW!! The 2006 Gleim FAR/AIM now includes all SFARs, as well as all new additions and changes to the Federal regulations.
The 2006 Gleim FAR/AIM Product Features:
Flight bag size - smaller, more compact and lightweight (7" נ9") book
Expanded and easy-to-use indexes for both the FAR and the AIM
SFARs now included!
A comprehensive reference for all pilots
NTSB Part 830 also included
Full color AIM images
FAR/AIM is part of the Gleim Private Pilot Kit and is essential for student pilots.